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Purpose of our trips

Minfulness in nature Costa Rica 3
Minfulness in nature Costa Rica 4
Minfulness in nature Costa Rica 5

While each of us relates to Nature in somewhat differing ways, our relationship with it may be described as a connection.  Over time, there has become an increased awareness of the multi-faceted importance of our Nature connection—an awareness heightened by a much-deteriorated state of the connection. 

Our program will offer the participants an opportunity to enhance their understanding and appreciation of Nature and, in the process, explore and strengthen their connection with it.  Through an integrated approach, which emphasizes the development of an ecological perspective and Mindfulness in Nature habits, we will focus on the development of our skills for the observation of Nature, our self, and our interaction with Nature.  And we will play!

Exercises and nature walks will be used to develop an ecological perspective, with the focus on spatial and temporal change, species interactions, and organism form and function.  With these themes being inherent to all ecosystems, an ecological perspective is applicable to all natural settings where we walk.  Consequently, its application permits us a deeper understanding of Nature in a single location, as well as enables us to note the similarities among all natural settings.  This, in turn, enhances our sense of wonder and appreciation of the natural world.

Development of Mindfulness skills including non-judging, patience, beginner's mind, trust, non-striving, acceptance, and letting go will enhance our focus and depth of immersion into the our moments in Nature allowing us to "be in Nature's moment".

And what better a place to strengthen our skills and connection with Nature than the natural and sensual setting of Costa Rica—the lush tropical rain forest, the mist-cloaked cloud forest, the much-ignored dry forest, and, of course since this is the Tropics, the secluded coconut palm-lined beach!

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